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Thank you for making a donation to the Nueva Auction. A couple of VIP (very important things to provide) to help best showcase your donation.


  • Estimated Value $
    This is the estimated dollar value of the item being donated (fair market value or what someone would expect to pay). Amount entered must be greater than $1.00 please, and should reflect the value of the entire item being donated or the cost required to put on the event.


  • Are there multiple donors for your Count-Me-In?
    For example, a party hosted by multiple families. Please indicate additional names in the Item Description.

  • Restrictions
    What do bidders need to know before buying? What is included or excluded? How many people is the item for? Any age restrictions? Available only on certain dates? Expiration date*?

  • Need help? Ask CMI Chair "TBD"

     * Unless otherwise specified, the expiration date is April 4, 2021.





Are there any photos, images, or logos that would better feature your item?

Upload them here or email them to ​auction@nuevaschool.org.




Item Information
Activity Details
Ticketing Details
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